We're on a mission

It's our mission to reconnect people with themselves and others through real-world communities and authentic, offline experiences.

A man holding a flag with a no wifi sign

We aim to...

Connect people in a more genuine way
Make phone-free spaces the norm
Bring back community vibes
Normalize talking to strangers

How we achieve our mission

The Offline Club curates meaningful offline events, experiences and community meetups, around the world.

The Offline Club community
Our local Offline Club communities bring people together through a variety of offline experiences.
Person enjoying a phone free space
Our Digital Detox Retreats help people slow down and reconnect with themselves, others, and nature.
People reconnecting with themselves
We help businesses and organizations create phone-free spaces and events.
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Our why

We live in a time in which loneliness, deteriorating mental health, and digital overload are some of the most pressing challenges.

We find it hard to switch off, real-life communities are disappearing, and social media is driving us apart. Oh, and we all spend a little more time on our phones than we want...

We believe the world needs a bit more humanity. More togetherness. More fun. More relaxation.

Or, with other words: Less screen time, more real time.
People enjoying an afternoon offline

Who we are

The Offline Club was founded in Amsterdam by Jordy van Bennekom, Valentijn Klok and Ilya Kneppelhout. But it's not just us. We are a global team of local community leaders and volunteers on a mission to change the way we interact with technology, and each other.
Ilya from The Offline Club

Ilya Kneppelhout

Loves writing, dancing and taking naps.
Jordy from The Offline Club

Jordy van Bennekom

Loves nature walks, reading and running.
Valentijn from The Offline Club

Valentijn Klok

Loves cooking, spoken word and music.

Our story

Four days offline is what changed our lives. We know, bold statement... But it did. Here's why.

In 2021, we - Jordy, Valentijn and Ilya - spent a weekend offline in the Dutch countryside. Just for shits and gigs, as an experiment. We loved it, and came back recharged, inspired, and bursting of new ideas.

One of those ideas: Organize offline weekend getaways for others. Basically a retreat, but cooler. We hosted five nature getaways, until in February of 2024 we decided to take our philosophy to the city. We wanted to make digital detoxing more accessible, fun, and community-centered, and aimed to create a space where people could come together to switch off, meet like-minded people, and take a break from the daily rush.

And so, in February of 2024, we hosted our first-ever Offline Hangout in a cozy cafe in Amsterdam. The Offline Club was born. In no time - and against all expectations - we quickly grew into the global offline movement it is now. A movement towards a more genuinely connected world.

And we're massively happy you're part of it!

Discover more

People talking to each other outdoors

How it all started: The Offline Getaway

In 2022, we hosted the first edition of The Offline Getaway for people to get offline, unwind, and reconnect.

Our digital detox retreats are still our favorite way to unplug, and we'd love for you to join us.
Explore retreats

Where we're at now: A global movement

What started as a fun project in Amsterdam has grown into a global offline movement.

Join your city's local Offline Club to reconnect with yourself and others.
All our cities
Two women painting outdoorsPeople enjoying a book indoors

Our ambition: Offline Clubs, everywhere

We envision a world in which phone-free spaces and offline communities are the norm.

Want to take The Offline Club to your city? Start your local Club!
Start a club

Offline is the new #PeaceOfMind